Meeting Type: BCC Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 3/18/2025
Item Status: New
From: Wanda Gautney, Purchasing Director; Mark Acreman, Assistant County Engineer; Seth Peterson, Pre-Construction Manager
Submitted by: Jeanette Brown, Assistant Purchasing Director
Group 1 of ERPR-9072 - Permanent Repair for Various Sites Due to Severe Weather Event Beginning on September 16, 2020, FHWA Disaster #AL20-2 for the Baldwin County Commission
Approve Change Order #1 for Group 1 of the ERPR-9072 in the amount of $56,462.94 for Project No. HW22171 with C. Thornton, Inc., and authorize the Chairman to execute the Change Order.
Background: The Highway Department is submitting for Commission approval Change Order #1 for Group 1 of the ERPR-9072 in the amount of $56,462.94 for Project No. HW22171 - County Road 83 990 Ft. South of Woerner Road. The change order includes details of increased plan quantities of various materials and will not increase the contract time.
Previous Commission action/date:
08/20/2024 meeting: Awarded the bid for Group 1 of the ERPR-9072 - Permanent Repair for Various Sites Due to a Severe Weather Event Beginning on September 16, 2020, FHWA Disaster #AL20-2 to the lowest bidder, C. Thornton, Inc. in the bid amount of $1,073,194.50; Construction Time: 130 working days; and authorized the Chairman to execute the Contract.
07/19/2022 meeting: 1) Approved the Federal Highway (FHWA) Emergency Repair (ER) Projects for Hurricane Sally emergency/permanent repairs, adopted the following resolutions and approved the corresponding Preliminary Engineering and Construction Funding Agreements between Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) and the Baldwin County Commission:
1) Resolution #2022-116 - HW22160/County Road 55 (4090 ft S of County Rd 48)
2) Resolution #2022-117 - HW22156/Underwood Road (489 ft E of George Younce Rd)
3) Resolution #2022-118 - HW22159/County Road 55 (1218 ft N of County Rd 32)
4) Resolution #2022-119 - HW22162/County Road 33 (1277 ft S of Clay City Rd)
5) Resolution #2022-120 - HW22161/County Road 52 (1540 ft E of Hill Rd)
6) Resolution #2022-121-HW22164/County Road 9 (787 ft S of Woodhaven Dairy Rd W)
7) Resolution #2022-122 - HW22158/County Road 55 (293 ft S of Lakeway Dr)
8) Resolution #2022-123 - HW22163/County Road 10 (335 ft E of Cook Rd)
9) Resolution #2022-124 - HW22157/County Road 65 (1027 ft S of County Rd 16)
10) Resolution #2022-125 - HW21174/County Road 32 (2349 ft W of County Rd 95)
11) Resolution #2022-126 - HW22173/County Road 32 (1085 ft E of County Rd 87)
12) Resolution #2022-127 - HW22172/County Road 32 (2680 ft E of County Rd 83)
13) Resolution #2022-128 - HW22171/County Road 83 (990 ft S of Woerner Rd)
14) Resolution #2022-129 - HW22170/County Road 87 (765 ft N of Seed Orchard Rd)
15) Resolution #2022-130 - HW22169/County Road 87 (2140 ft S of Seed Orchard Rd)
16) Resolution #2022-131 - HW22168/County Road 112 (2223 ft W of Barrineau Park Rd)
17) Resolution #2022-132 - HW22167/County Road 112 (4138 ft E of Barrineau Park Rd)
18) Resolution #2022-133 - HW22166/County Road 20 (Miflin Rd) (410 ft E of Swift Church Rd)
19) Resolution #2022-134 - HW22165/NW 1st Street (2433 ft S of County Rd 36)
20) Resolution #2022-135 - TBD/Bald 01 Signage (Various locations)
21) Resolution #2022-136 - TBD/Bald 02 Signage (Various locations)
22) Resolution #2022-137 - TBD/County Road 48 (353 ft E of Langford Rd)
The agreements shall be effective upon full execution and shall remain in effect until the project has been completed and reimbursement is complete. The agreements may be terminated by either party upon the delivery of a thirty (30) day notice of termination; and 2) Approved and authorized the Purchasing Director to place a competitive bid for each project once final plans and contracts are completed.
Total cost of recommendation: $56,462.94
Budget line item(s) to be used: HW22171-4CONTRCN-4CONTR SRV-4CONTRACT
If this is not a budgeted expenditure, does the recommendation create a need for funding? N/A
Is legal review necessary for this staff recommendation and related documents?
Reviewed/approved by: N/A
Additional comments: N/A
Is advertising required for this recommendation? N/A
If the proof of publication affidavit is not attached, list the reason: N/A
For time-sensitive follow up, select deadline date for follow up: 03/18/2025
Individual(s) responsible for follow up: Wanda Gautney, Purchasing Director
Action required (list contact persons/addresses if documents are to be mailed or emailed): Letter to Contractor
Additional instructions/notes: N/A