Meeting Type: BCC Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 7/18/2023
Item Status: New
From: Felisha Anderson, Director of Archives and History
Wanda Gautney, Purchasing Director
Junius Long, Facilities Coordinator
Submitted by: Felisha Anderson, Director of Archives and History
Bicentennial Park - Upcoming Project and Christmas 2023
Discussion item only at this time - Staff wishes to update the Commission on an upcoming project and Christmas 2023 at Bicentennial Park in Stockton, Alabama.
Background: Bicentennial Park is an integral part of the Baldwin County Commission’s Strategic Plan. One of the strategic priorities of the Plan is growth & infrastructure balance, with one of the goals being: “By 2025, Baldwin County residents and visitors will experience the full development and marketing of Live Oak Landing and Bicentennial Park.”
Baldwin County Bicentennial Park offers a historical perspective of Baldwin County’s beginnings.
Project to Clear Up Site by Davida Hastie Walking Trail
The Baldwin County Archives and History, Budget/Purchasing, and Building Maintenance Departments have established a community partnership with North Baldwin Utilities (NBU), working together toward the common goal of enhancing the North Baldwin community. Through this partnership there is a resolve to promote the Bicentennial Park to raise its visibility and ensure its viability in the future. A complete project plan consisting of several phases is forthcoming.
Visitors in the park should have a firsthand view of the natural beauty of the river delta and wetlands which are a part of the distinctive character of the Bicentennial Park site.
At its current state, the area of the park near Davida Hastie Walking Trail is covered with underbrush making the area look unkept and unattractive. Clearing the underbrush will improve the scenery, acreage, and the health of the plants, as well as create more open space and improve safety.
NBU will provide the manpower and equipment to remove the underbrush at no cost to the County. Additional landscaping can be added after the clearing.
Christmas 2023 at Bicentennial Park
The Bicentennial Park Christmas Fest provides an opportunity to shine the light on the park and bring awareness to the rich culture and identity of Bicentennial Park.
Archives Department takes pride in providing programs which have a community impact and include cultural experiences. Christmas at Bicentennial Park allows visitors to enjoy a cultural experience while enjoying family-friendly holiday festivities. This year will be the third year for the Christmas Festival and the second year for the drive-through holiday lights display at the park. Both events have proven popular and have attracted visitors and tourists to North Baldwin County.
Events of this magnitude involve many members of the community requiring cooperation and commitment. Both events have become a source of community pride, strengthening relationships in the community. NBU has been a great partner to the County offering invaluable support for the events from having a Christmas tree donated to the park from Parkers Christmas Tree Farm, to providing manpower and equipment to plant and care for the tree and assisting during the events when needed.
Previous Commission action/date: N/A
Total cost of recommendation: There is no financial impact currently. The work performed by NBU and equipment to be used is at no cost to the County.
Budget line item(s) to be used: N/A
If this is not a budgeted expenditure, does the recommendation create a need for funding? N/A
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Reviewed/approved by: N/A
Additional comments: N/A
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