Baldwin County, Alabama
File #: 25-0393    Version: 1
Agenda section: Consent Status: Passed
File created: 1/2/2025 Meeting type: Baldwin County Commission Regular
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action: 1/28/2025
Agenda item title: Agreement with City of Fairhope and Fairhope Volunteer Fire Department - Interoperability Communications System
Attachments: 1. City of Fairhope and Fairhope FD-Agrmt for Use of Communications Infrastructure

Meeting Type:   BCC Regular Meeting

Meeting Date:  1/28/2025

Item Status:   New

From: Brian Peacock, CIS Director

Submitted by:  Susan Marino, CIS Business Manager





Agreement with City of Fairhope and Fairhope Volunteer Fire Department - Interoperability Communications System




Approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement between the Baldwin County Commission, the City of Fairhope, and the Fairhope Volunteer Fire Department regarding the shared use of certain communications infrastructure.

The term of this Agreement shall begin January 31, 2025, for three (3) years unless terminated by the parties as set forth herein.




Background:  The Agreement is regarding the shared use of certain communications facilities or equipment owned by Baldwin County Commission for the purpose of supporting an interoperable P-25 public safety communications system.


Previous Commission action/date:  May 2, 2017 - BCC approved the MOU with the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope Volunteer Fire Department. The MOU is set to expire on January 31, 2025




Total cost of recommendation:  Incoming Revenue - TBD


Budget line item(s) to be used:  100.47865 CIS Reimbursements


If this is not a budgeted expenditure, does the recommendation create a need for funding?  N/A




Is legal review necessary for this staff recommendation and related documents? 

Contract Template previously reviewed by County Attorney.


Reviewed/approved by:  Brad Hicks, County Attorney


Additional comments:  N/A




Is advertising required for this recommendation?  N/A


If the proof of publication affidavit is not attached, list the reason: N/A




For time-sensitive follow up, select deadline date for follow up:  N/A


Individual(s) responsible for follow up:  Administration - have the Chairman execute the Agreement.


Action required (list contact persons/addresses if documents are to be mailed or emailed):  Administration - mail a copy of the executed Agreement to:


The City of Fairhope

ATTN: Mayor Sherry Sullivan and Chief Christoper Ellis

Post Office Drawer 429

Fairhope, Alabama 36533


CC: Brian Peacock and Susan Marino


Additional instructions/notes:  Administration - Allow previous Contract #7643 to expire on 1/31/2025 and upload fully executed Agreement to contracts