Baldwin County, Alabama
File #: 23-1310    Version: 1
Agenda section: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/22/2023 Meeting type: Baldwin County Commission Regular
On agenda: 7/5/2023 Final action:
Agenda item title: Competitive Bid #WG23-49 - Purchase of Two (2) Backpack Fogging Systems for the Baldwin County Corrections Center Located in Bay Minette, Alabama
Attachments: 1. WG23-49 Specifications

Meeting Type:   BCC Regular Meeting

Meeting Date:  7/5/2023

Item Status:   New

From: Wanda Gautney, Purchasing Director / Sheriff Hoss Mack / Chief Anthony Lowery / Kim Kelly, Finance Manager

Submitted by:  Susan Kilby, Assistant Purchasing Director





Competitive Bid #WG23-49 - Purchase of Two (2) Backpack Fogging Systems for the Baldwin County Corrections Center Located in Bay Minette, Alabama




Take the following actions:

1) Approve the specifications and authorize the Purchasing Director to place a competitive bid for the purchase of two (2) Backpack Fogging Systems and;

2) Further, authorize the Chairman/Purchasing Division Commissioner for the Baldwin County Commission to approve any necessary addendums or clarifications if required after the bid is advertised.




Background:  The Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office is requesting that a competitive bid be placed for the purchase of two (2) backpack fogging systems to include solutions and accessories. The Commission approved the FY 2022 Alabama Department of Public Health (ALDPH) Grant and Sub-Recipient Agreement on June 7, 2022 for the purchase of equipment to include: two (2) backpack sprayers, attachments, power supplies, and environmentally safe disinfectants. The purpose of these items, as stated in the grant application was to detect and mitigate risks of COVID-19. The amount approved for this purchase is $24,690.00.


Previous Commission action/date: 

05/17/2022 meetingApproved and executed the Fiscal Year 2022 Alabama Department of Public Health (ALDPH) Grant Agreement (#6 NU60CK000545-03-01) with the Baldwin County Commission on behalf of the Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office to provide resources to confinement facilities for the detection and mitigation of COVID-19.  The term of the agreement shall commence on February 1, 2022, and end July 31, 2024.




Total cost of recommendation:  Specifications


Budget line item(s) to be used:  N/A


If this is not a budgeted expenditure, does the recommendation create a need for funding?  N/A




Is legal review necessary for this staff recommendation and related documents? 



Reviewed/approved by:  N/A


Additional comments:  N/A




Is advertising required for this recommendation?  N/A


If the proof of publication affidavit is not attached, list the reason: N/A




For time-sensitive follow up, select deadline date for follow up:  07/05/2023


Individual(s) responsible for follow up:  Wanda Gautney, Purchasing Director


Action required (list contact persons/addresses if documents are to be mailed or emailed):  Mail Bid


Additional instructions/notes:  N/A