Meeting Type: BCC Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 2/18/2025
Item Status: New
From: Wanda Gautney, Purchasing Director; Brian Underwood, Grants Director; Patrick Addison, PH&J Architects, Inc.
Submitted by: Wanda Gautney, Purchasing Director
Construction of New Mental Health Holding Cells at Baldwin County Corrections Center and Juvenile Detention Center Located in Bay Minette, Alabama, for the Baldwin County Commission
Approve Allowance Authorization No. 1 with Tindle Construction, LLC, in the bid amount of $171,383.54 to upgrade and modify security equipment, with no change to the original contract amount, for the Construction of New Mental Health Holding Cells at the Baldwin County Corrections Center located in Bay Minette, Alabama, and authorize the Chairman to execute the Allowance Authorization Form.
Allowance cost will be paid from project contingency allowance that was included in the bid amount.
Background: The Architect, Patrick Addison with PH&J Architects is submitting for Commission approval Allowance Authorization No. 1 to upgrade and modify security equipment in the amount of $171,383.54 which will be taken from the contract contingency allowance for Construction of New Mental Health Holding Cells at the Baldwin County Corrections Center located in Bay Minette.
The contract included a contingency allowance in the bid amount of $175,000.00 for Security and Electronics and that amount will be decreased by $171,383.54 leaving a balance of $3,616.46.
Total project cost has not changed from the original bid amount of $3,900,000.00.
Previous Commission action/date:
12/17/2024 meeting: Approved Allowance Authorization No. 1 with Tindle Construction, LLC, in the bid amount of $42,130.89, with no change to the original contract amount, for the Construction of New Mental Health Holding Cells at the Baldwin County Juvenile Detention Center located in Bay Minette, Alabama, and authorized the Chairman to execute the Allowance Authorization Form. Allowance cost will be paid from project contingency allowance that was included in the bid amount.
08/20/2024 meeting: Took the following actions: 1) Awarded the bid for Construction of New Mental Health Holding Cells at the Baldwin County Corrections Center and the Juvenile Detention Center located in Bay Minette, Alabama, to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, Tindle Construction, LLC, in the bid amount of $3,900,000.00; Construction time: 240 calendar days; and 2) Authorized the Chairman to execute the Contract.
12/19/2023 meeting: The Commission approved the project for a new mental health holding area at the Baldwin County Corrections Center and authorized the Architect, PH&J Architects, Inc., to submit for Commission approval an AIA Agreement for Architectural and Design Services. (Funding will be from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA funds). (Estimated construction cost $3,469,002.86 including the Juvenile Detention Mental Health Area).
12/20/2022 meeting: The Commission approved a Contract with PH & J Architects, Inc., for a Feasibility Study relating to the design of a new mental health holding area in the Baldwin County Corrections Center. The Architect, Patrick Addison, presented his study for the renovations of Holding Areas L, M, and N for the new mental health area in an estimated cost of $3,314,750.10 plus $154,252.76 for Security Equipment for an estimated construction cost of $3,469,002.86 including the Juvenile Detention Center mental health area. The Commission budgeted $1,000,000.00 of ARPA funds for this project. The ARPA funds that were originally budgeted for the Touchless Upgrades can be used to help fund this project. Feasibility Study from PH & J Architects was attached for review. A Resolution will follow at a later date for allocation of ARPA funds to cover the complete estimated construction cost of the mental health holding area using ARPA funds.
Total cost of recommendation: $171,383.54 to be taken from project contingency allowance on security electronics - leaving a balance in the project contingency allowance of $3,616.46 - this allowance will not change the original contract amount.
Budget line item(s) to be used: FARPJAIL23-9ARPA-0JAIL-0CO/BUILD
If this is not a budgeted expenditure, does the recommendation create a need for funding? N/A
Is legal review necessary for this staff recommendation and related documents?
Reviewed/approved by: N/A
Additional comments: N/A
Is advertising required for this recommendation? N/A
If the proof of publication affidavit is not attached, list the reason: N/A
For time-sensitive follow up, select deadline date for follow up: 2/18/2025
Individual(s) responsible for follow up: Wanda Gautney, Purchasing Director
Action required (list contact persons/addresses if documents are to be mailed or emailed): Letter to Contractor
Additional instructions/notes: N/A