Baldwin County, Alabama
File #: 25-0510    Version: 1
Agenda section: Consent Status: Passed
File created: 2/18/2025 Meeting type: Baldwin County Commission Regular
On agenda: 3/5/2025 Final action: 3/5/2025
Agenda item title: Sheriff's Office - U.S. Department of Justice Intergovernmental Agreement
Attachments: 1. Federal Prisoners Per Diem Sharing Agrmt-BCSO and BCC.pdf, 2. U.S Dept of Justice-Intergovernmental Agrmt (REDACTED)


Meeting Type:   BCC Regular Meeting

Meeting Date:  3/5/2025

Item Status:   New

From: Anthony E. Lowery, Sheriff Baldwin County

Submitted by:  Jessica Parker, BCSO Budget Support Specialist





Sheriff’s Office - U.S. Department of Justice Intergovernmental Agreement




Approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Baldwin County Commission (BCC), Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) and the U.S. Department of Justice, which allows Baldwin County Correctional Center to provide secure custody, safekeeping, housing, subsistence, and care of Federal prisoners.

BCSO and BCC mutually agree to the sharing of $80.00 per diem per Federal prisoner as provided in the contract from the U.S. Marshals Service in the following manner:

1) $32.00 per day per Federal Prisoner to BCSO (40%)

2) $48.00 per day per Federal Prisoner to BCC (60%)                     

This Agreement took effect November 1, 2024, and remains in effect until rates change or either party requests renegotiation.




Background:  The BCSO has had a long-standing agreement with the BCC for the sharing of the Federal Prisoners Housing Per Diem funds that the BCSO received from Federal agencies who house inmates in the Correctional Center.


The BCSO has requested the agreement between the BCSO and BCC be amended to reflect new per diem pricing.


Previous Commission action/date:  January 19, 2021 - Commission approved an Amendment to the agreement to reflect new per diem pricing.




Total cost of recommendation:  Incoming Revenue


Budget line item(s) to be used:  100.45820


If this is not a budgeted expenditure, does the recommendation create a need for funding?  N/A




Is legal review necessary for this staff recommendation and related documents? 



Reviewed/approved by:  N/A


Additional comments:  N/A




Is advertising required for this recommendation?  N/A


If the proof of publication affidavit is not attached, list the reason: N/A




For time-sensitive follow up, select deadline date for follow up:  N/A


Individual(s) responsible for follow up: N/A


Action required (list contact persons/addresses if documents are to be mailed or emailed):  Email copy of signed agreement to:


Via Email Only -

Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office

ATTN: Sheriff Anthony E. Lowery

320 N. Hoyle Avenue

Bay Minette, Alabama 36507


cc:                      Kimberly Kelly

                     Jessica Parker


Additional instructions/notes:  Administration to upload Agreement with IGA to contracts with an expiration date of three years.