Baldwin County, Alabama
File #: 20-0941    Version: 1
Agenda section: Consent Status: Passed
File created: 3/10/2020 Meeting type: Baldwin County Commission Regular
On agenda: 3/17/2020 Final action: 3/17/2020
Agenda item title: Competitive Bid #WG18-18 - Pre-Event Debris Removal and Disposal Services from the County Right-of-Ways within Unincorporated Baldwin County for the Baldwin County Commission
Attachments: 1. CrowderGulf Renewal Letter, 2. CrowderGulf Contract, 3. WG18-18 Award Listing

Meeting Type:   BCC Regular Meeting

Meeting Date:  3/17/2020

Item Status:   New

From: Wanda Gautney, Purchasing Director; Joey Nunnally, County Engineer

Submitted by:  Wanda Gautney, Purchasing Director





Competitive Bid #WG18-18 - Pre-Event Debris Removal and Disposal Services from the County Right-of-Ways within Unincorporated Baldwin County for the Baldwin County Commission





Extend Competitive Bid #WG18-18 - Pre-Event Debris Removal and Disposal Services from the County Right-of-Ways within Unincorporated Baldwin County, with CrowderGulf, LLC, for an additional twelve (12) months at the same prices, terms and conditions stated in the original bid specifications that was awarded on May 15, 2018.  The Contract extension will expire on May 15, 2021.





Previous Commission action/date: 

03/20/2018 meeting:  1) Approved the specifications and authorized the Purchasing Director to place a competitive bid for the Pre-Event Debris Removal & Disposal Services from the County Right-of-Ways within Unincorporated Baldwin County; and 2) Further, authorized the Chairman/Purchasing Division Commissioner for the Baldwin County Commissioner for the Baldwin County Commission to approve any necessary addendums or clarifications if required after the bid is advertised.


04/17/2018 meeting:  Made Addendum #1, which includes three (3) changes to the bid specifications for the Pre-Event Debris Removal & Disposal Services from the County Right-of-Ways within Unincorporated Baldwin County, part of the April 17, 2018, official record of the Baldwin County Commission.


05/15/2018 meeting:  Awarded Bid #WG18-18 - Pre-Event Removal and Disposal Services from the County Right-of-Ways within Unincorporated Baldwin County to the lowest responsible bidder, which met all the specifications, CrowderGulf, LLC, as per the attached bid tabulation and authorized the Chairman to execute the Contract.  (Contract shall be effective and commence immediately upon the same date as its full execution.)


Background:  The bid for the Pre-Event Debris Removal & Disposal Services from County Right-of-Ways was awarded on May 15, 2018, for twenty-four (24) months.  The bid specifications contained a stipulation that the bid could be extended for one (1) twelve (12) month term by the Commission at their option, if acceptable by the vendor.  Any additional extension of the Contract will be at the same prices, terms, and conditions stated in the bid.  The vendor, CrowderGulf, LLC, has submitted a Contract renewal letter agreeing to extend the bid prices for an additional twelve (12) months.  The Contract extension will expire on May 15, 2021.  Staff recommends the Commission extend the bid with CrowderGulf, LLC, for an additional twelve (12) months.  Award Listing attached for review.




Total cost of recommendation:  Unknown


Budget line item(s) to be used:  Emergency Reserve/FEMA reimbursed in a declared emergency.


If this is not a budgeted expenditure, does the recommendation create a need for funding?  N/A





Is legal review necessary for this staff recommendation and related documents? 



Reviewed/approved by:  N/A


Additional comments:  N/A





Is advertising required for this recommendation?  N/A


If the proof of publication affidavit is not attached, list the reason: N/A





For time-sensitive follow up, select deadline date for follow up:  3/17/2020


Individual(s) responsible for follow up:  Wanda Gautney, Purchasing Director


Action required (list contact persons/addresses if documents are to be mailed or emailed):  Letter to Vendor


Additional instructions/notes:  N/A